Venus Fly Trap
Dionaea muscipula
The Venus fly trap is falsely seen as the perfect beginner plant. Ensure you frequently water your plant with rainwater and keep on a windowsill with bright direct sunlight.
Temperature: - Venus fly traps are relatively heat tolerant and can therefore live in high temperatures in the summer months of around 25 degrees. At winter the plant will go through a period of dormancy and can therefore tolerate temperatures of 5 degrees or below. Keep your plant at 18-25 degrees as an optimum outside of the dormancy period.
Watering: - Proper watering is essential for this plant and is often the reason for many beginners killing it. Like all carnivorous plants, the Venus fly trap requires rainwater as it is sensitive to the chemicals added to tap water. Keep the plant moist (but not waterlogged) by sitting the pot in a small container of water.
Lighting: - The Venus fly trap does best in a bright and exposed south-facing windowsill.
Soil Type: - The Venus fly trap does best when planted in peat, however, you can use a peat alternative such as composted bark, extra fine orchid bark or coconut husk coir. This should be mixed with sand and some grit for drainage.
Maintenance: - As its name suggests the plant is carnivorous and will benefit from the feeding of insects. Do not give your plant additional fertilizer as the nutrients it requires comes directly from its insect prey. Plants that receive few insects can be taken outdoors during the UK to summer to expose them to flies. You can even purchase insects from many pet stores to offer to your plant. During the dormancy period, you should cut back the dead growth.
Dormancy: - Each year your plant should go through a period of dormancy in wintertime. To achieve this, move your plant to a colder location such as a greenhouse. The leaves will begin to die back and only the rhizome will be left. Move your plant back to a warmer temperature in order to stimulate new growth again.