Money Plant
Crassula ovata

The money tree is also known as the jade plant and has dark green glossy oval fleshy leaves.
Keep your plant at an average of 20 degrees in a position that receives some sunlight and water infrequently when the soil is dry to the touch.
This succulent does best in a warmer climate of temperatures 18-24 degrees. However, does tolerate a range of 5-26 degrees as long as the temperature does not regularly fluctuate. You can move your plant outdoors providing that it is not exposed to excessive water. But, remember to bring it back in before the temperature plummets!
The money tree loves light and therefore will thrive in a south-facing windowsill that is exposed to direct sunlight.
The money tree is a succulent and therefore doesn’t need excessive watering making it perfect for the busy beginner. Once a month is often sufficient for this plant, allowing the soil to completely dry out between watering. You should judge watering by inserting your finger into the first few centre meters of soil. If these have dried out, then water your money tree. However, do not soak the soil! Yellowing leaves of the money tree is a sign that your plant is being overwatered. During winter months you should reduce watering even further as the rate of growth has declined.
Soil Type:
Use a soil medium that will rapidly drain. The mix should include potting soil, grit, and sand in the ratio of 3:1:1.
Crassula ovata is a perfect plant for any beginner who wants to take the next step and try propagating their own plants. Simply snap one of the fleshy leaves off from the main branch and leave until the cut end until it dries out, forming a callus. You can then either insert the leaf into moist soil or expose the tip of the leaf to water. This can be done by filling a small bowl with water and wrapping it with cling film. Make a small opening in the cling film and insert the leaf tip. Once your leaf cutting has developed roots you can repot into a well-draining soil type. The same process can be repeated with larger cuttings from the stem that already have several leaves on.